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EVENT CANCELLED : Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled due to insufficient registrations.

If you happen to be in the vicinity, this could be fun. Or make a trip of it. It will still be fun.

As part of the Land Rover Gathering near Hervey Bay in Queensland, there will be an attempt at breaking the Australian Record for the largest Land Rover Convoy. Registration opens at 7am and the convoy departs from Trinity Island Holiday Park at 8:30 am under formal scrutiny. I imagine that is the start of the convoy; if you are number 200 in the convoy, it could be a while after that. All cars will be numbered, will proceed in single file, and must complete the two-hour course covering between 10 and 150 km. After the convoy, join in the BBQ from 5pm. I see one of the sponsors is The Lady in a Landy.

This is just one event of the Land Rover Gathering 24 to be held 27-30 September 2024. Other events include a Field Day on Seafront Oval, Hervey Bay featuring:

  • A show of Land Rover Pride welcoming all Land Rover models, on the field, encircling
  • Land Rover Club Tents
  • 4wd Industry, Camping, Adventure and Land Rover Lifestyle-related Vendors and Exhibitors
  • The Gathering Speakers Stage
  • Land Rover Swap Meet Alley
  • Plenty of eats and treats
  • The Gathering Show ‘N’ Shine.

If this sounds like you, go to the official website for more information and to pre-register, And please also let me know you’ll be there so we can lookout for each other.

Please note: This trip is suitable for new members and any registered vehicle from 1948, so long as it is a Land Rover.