Our RRC Group Camping Site:
The huge Land Rover 75th Anniversary is now only 6 months away. As we did for the 70th Anniversary event in 2018, the Range Rover Club will offer a group camping area for our members. We are looking at the same area, Jack’s Paddock, which is located adjacent to the Cooma Showground, the venue for the event. We will again be setting up our Club marquees for our members ‘get-together’ area (which was such a success last time).
The individual sites in our group camp area are all unpowered (as they were in 2018). This is a temporary campground with no power available. The sites are suitable for caravans, camper-trailers, tents, roof-top tents, swags, etc., and are a good size. There will be toilets and showers nearby and we expect to have a firepit again. The site fee for the event (4 nights) is $240 per site.
To secure the group camping area, the Club will reserve and pay for a block of camping sites. We will then offer the individual sites to members. This will allow us to manage the process and enable members to be located together.
We now need to determine how many sites we will need. Therefore, we ask members to reserve their site now. To do this, email Jim Nicholson at pres@rangeroverclubnsw.asn.au with your request. We will confirm your reservation and advise when payment is required.
Event Registration:
The online Land Rover 75th Anniversary Event Registration website is now open and provides detailed information on the event.
On this site you can register for the event, activities (breakfasts, gala dinner, BBQ, etc.,) and entry in the street parade. When registered, each person will also go into the draw for an expense-paid trip to the UK, which includes a tour of the Land Rover factory and the Jaguar Land Rover Classic workshop. If planning to attend, please book as soon as possible. Don’t wait… do it now!
The online site also offers accommodation and camping options (but if you wish to camp in the RRC group area do not reserve a site here, use the Club process above). If you would like motel (or similar) accommodation (and haven’t already booked) you will need to do so as soon as possible as this type of stay is in very short supply. If you need a powered site, there are some available in the Showground and these can be booked online.
Jim Nicholson