Club members, Jenny Rollo and André Verheij are hosting a virtual event on Saturday, 2nd October from 8pm with Sophie Devon, an awesome young car mechanic and video creator from the UK … and fellow Land Rover enthusiast. Sophie lives and breathes all things Land Rover, and her current collection includes a 110 County Station Wagon 300Tdi, Discovery Series 2 Td5, and a Series III 2.25 petrol 88.
Sophie, a.k.a Land Rover Sophie, has her own YouTube channel that covers her restoration work on all three cars, and her popularity continues to grow as her subscribers log in to enjoy her wealth of practical tips and tricks on all things Land Rover.
Sophie is looking forward to chatting with us about the restoration work she has been doing on her Discovery 1 200Tdi, and the informal session will be followed by a Q&A where members will get the chance to ask any burning questions.
To learn more about Sophie, you can visit her various social media channels:
We look forward to seeing our members online on the night for what promises to be a great evening!